

Friday, February 14

Hugs n' Smooches for you & yours.

valentine's day.
I've always had this strange admiration for it.
And yes, this goes for the years that I have (and have not) had a valentine. 

As far as I know, this admiration goes deep.

For as long as I can possibly remember, I wake up on this February 14th day, and from the moment I open my eyes, I love every single second of what is to come. 
Weird? Yeah, I know. 

For me, it's not the mascot colors of red n' pink that make me weak at the knees. 

It's not the assortment of chocolates, shoved into a heart shaped box, that make me melt. 
And no, regardless of what you may believe, I can't even credit this mad love to the asparagus tempura sushi roll + side of hibachi veggies that my friends and I treat ourselves to (almost every year) on this very special day.

So, what is it, if not for all the fluffy elements of this day, that make me love it oh so very, very much?

Well, it only took me 22 years to figure out.

As I lay in bed, one hand glued to my chocolate-covered strawberry inspired breakfast smoothie (I've been on a smoothie kick lately; these typically last anywhere from 1-4 weeks,) and the other madly typing this post for you lovely people - and myself. 
I cherish valentine's day because I've learned that no matter the situation, I've always actually had more valentines than I could ever know what to do with. 

And you wanna know something funny?

so have you. 

Alright, it might sound cheesy, but just roll with me.

For one day, it's all about sharing the emotions that you have for others. Today is not about you ...even if you are one of those v-day haters, it's still not about you. Because today, of all days, you're practically forced to think of all those in your life that have honestly, genuinely, down-right inescapably loved you. 
But maybe they aren't with you anymore. 
But maybe they are. 
I mean, what this day is actually all about, at least for me, is to take some time to remember all of the people that have left behind footprints in your memory and your heart, as they've walked both into and out of your life.
It's about the memories that you've made with them. The lessons that they've taught you about yourself... and, most importantly, the individuals that they have helped you to become.

There are enough Taylor Swift songs out there to prove that love is not all about rainbows and butterflies. 

Love, in it's most basic and natural form, is both unimaginably good and so horribly bad. 
You know it. It's sucky. it's harsh. 
But, just when you are about to give it up, it turns itself around if only (once again) to prove just how beautiful it can actually be. 

As I lay here writing this, listening to my absolute favorite song (link @ the bottom of my post!), I think of all of the people that I love. That have loved me. That I have yet to love.

I think of my family, mostly my dad - who for every v-day day for my entire existence has delivered beautiful roses, in one way or another, along with a stuffed bear. And yes, this year I expect noo differently, (so dad you better find your way to my work tonight, cause i'll be looking for you!)
And I think of my friends, my roommates - the people that have seen me at my absolute craziest. Who have lived with me, and have had to deal with it. (I mean com'mon, it's not like family ...those poor souls don't have a choice... but these girls, they're pretty awesome.)
I think of my past relationships and how much I've learned from them. So many things that I would never, ever take back - regardless of how poorly things may have ended. Because honestly, I couldn't picture (nor would I want to) my life without them. 

So, my dearest friends, make this day about someone else. 

A bunch of someone else(s). 
Let your love out
Open your heart, even if it's for only a couple minutes in the privacy of your own room - where you can hide under your own covers, listen to your own music, and let your own thoughts and memories flow around you. 

May a smile escape from the corners of your mouth.

May you find, if only one reason, and for only one second, to love this day 1/10 as much as I do. 

(That will still be a lot, I promise.)

Happy Valentine's Day, to all of my valentines out there.

May love find its way into your heart ... and may you let it.


José Gonzalez - Heartbeats