

Tuesday, March 4


  1. 1.
    the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative.


I woke up today and I just felt, inspired.
A word that we throw around so often.
A feeling that we desire more often than possess.

But it's not our faults. It's not anybody's fault.
Inspiration has a funny way of finding us when we're busy doing something else. 
When we're busy living our lives. Taking part in our every day tasks.

And life itself is complicated. It's tricky.
Our lives our complicated. They feature one slightly manic - let me speak for myself here, please - star(lette) and the many creatures, relationships, and experiences that they encounter on a daily basis.
And that daily basis turns itself into a collection of days, months, years. Good days, bad days, holidays, birthdays. And all of those days are set in an uncensored, unfiltered world.

so, when does inspiration happen?

Inspiration happens when we discover what keeps that mad world turning for us. It's the answer to why we wake up some mornings and hear the birds chirping a little louder than they were the day before. And not that annoying chirp, but the kind of chirp that makes us think of warmth, and Spring turning to Summer, and enjoying a melting popsicle as we sit poolside with our best friend. It's why today, of all days, we gather this internal gratitude for the sun as it makes it's way pass that grassy mountain over the hill, only to dance amongst the tree branches and cast our shadow against the sidewalk that we travel everyday to work. Or at night, to the bars. Or, anytime, to yoga class. But at all times, the sidewalk that we fail to note how unique it's existence is to our very own urban neighborhood. Just think for a moment, how many feet have walked over it? How many drinks, from our cup or bottle alone, have been spilt on it?

Inspiration happens when we start to believe again, if not for the first time, in this crazy thing called love. I'm not just talking about the type that happens when we meet our much-anticipated soulmates. Because even those floating around with inspiration coming out of their ears, may not believe that such a thing exists. I mean, they are more inclined to believe that love itself exists, but the whole term soulmate, well that's a discussion for another day. What I'm getting at instead, is love in its most basic and natural form, is inspiration. Think of the very first relationship we were ever a part of, and hopefully still are. The one created for us. The one that we were born into, and that if we are lucky, means more to us than any other. And then think of the one(s) that we have built with others, through others, with their help. Their cooperation, their trust. These are the kind that we've grown into. Friends, lovers, coworkers, role models and idols, strangers. Those who inspire us, without even knowing it. Without even meaning to. Those with an existence that has a way of making ours a little sweeter.

Inspiration happens when you find a purpose for the ups-downs, the words-sentences-phrases-sayings-quotes, the sweet'n'sour'n'salty'n'bitter tastes, the wind-rain-sleet-snow-SUNSHINE, and, most importantly, the very air that we breathe.
The very air that we so tragically take for granted. Yet, that we share.

Isn't funny how often we forget that?

That believe it or not, we share the most essential element to each and every one of our lives.

CRAZY, I know I know.
Mind blowing, actually.

Maybe, even, a tad bit inspiring?

Above all though, there's only one place that inspiration happens... 
And I think I'll leave it up to you to guess just where that place may be.

xox, A.